Grantham Energy Committee
About the Energy Committee
The Board of Selectmen voted to establish a town Energy Committee at their meeting on November 12, 2014. The Energy Committee is advisory to the Board of Selectmen. The Energy Committee meets the second Monday of every month at 7:00PM in the Jerry Whitney Memorial Conference room, Grantham Town Hall, 300 Route 10 South, unless otherwise posted.
Mission Statement
The Grantham Energy Committee’s mission is to encourage and facilitate energy conservation, energy efficient practices, and the use of sustainable energy in the Town of Grantham, including public buildings and properties, businesses, and residents’ homes.
TJ Alexander, Bob Bowers, Jeannie Sperry, and Rick Covill
Peter Garland, Selectmen's Representative
- Energy Committee Meeting Minutes
- Resources: NH Energy Information
- Solar Energy Resources (Residential)
Community Power Documents
Are you looking for the latest information on Community Power and what it means to Grantham residents? Did you miss the two public hearings but still have questions? Do you want to be better informed about what will be voted on at the Annual Town Meeting? Below are the slide show residents viewed on January 8th and December 11th and the Community Power Coalition of NH aggregation plan for Grantham. For more questions email the Energy Committee Chair T.J.Alexander at [email protected].