POSTPONED - Public Hearing RE Land Acquisition


The Public Hearing regarding land acquisition scheduled as part of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 has been postponed.

As part of its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, the Board of Selectmen will hold the public hearing, pursuant to the provisions of NH RSAs 35:15, II, (b) and 41:14-a for the purpose of considering a forty thousand dollar ($40,000) expenditure from the Land Preservation Capital Reserve Fund to facilitate the acquisition of conservation land by the Town. 

Residents who are not able to attend the meeting may send comments to the Selectmen’s Office via the “Contact Us” form at or by mail to 300 Route 10 South; Grantham, NH.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa White

Town Administrator

September 11, 2018


Last updated 9/11/2018 11:11:06 AM